Thoughts, opinions, dreams, travels...

Whatever! ;-)

Monday, August 18, 2008


My sister and I went hiking in the desert the other day. We had a great hike and really got our heart rate up hiking up a slippery gravel hill. When we got to the top we found a rattle snake.

He was hiding in some weeds and camouflaged so we did not see him until I heard his rattle. He was moving towards my sister so she slowly/quickly moved away from him and we got out of there. It didn't take us very long to get down the hill after that! We had been warned to watch for snakes this time of year. They were right!

Friday, August 15, 2008


LiveSTRONG has several meanings to me.

I'm wearing my yellow LiveSTRONG bracelet 24/7 for my Uncle Vic who is going through Radiation & Chemo treatment. I love you Uncle Vic! I think about you everyday and pray that you will be 100% STRONG when this is over. I also pray for strength for my Auntie & cousins because this is not easy on them either. I love you guys!

The other meaning is Living-STRONG. It is amazing what our bodies can do and we treat them like crap. We make them stretch to unbelievable widths and we only ask them to do a fraction of what we can achieve. Lance Armstrong is the inspiration behind these bracelets and he proves that our bodies can overcome cancer, be pushed to the limits and thrive! I loved watching him ride in the Tour de France a few years ago. Watching the Olympics is also a great way to be inspired to push your body to the limits. The athletes train many more hours than what a "normal" person would be able to do, but they are awesome! Well, we can train to be GREAT and we can be HEALTHY! Don't blame your "genetics" for making you unhealthy and overweight. Heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autoimmune illnesses (including lupus) and headaches, can all be the result of your diet. I choose to eat a strict diet. I choose to eat healthy and be fit...I'm living STRONG!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

10.8 Miles in 45 Minutes!

I rode my mountain bike today. I did the first 5.4 miles in 20 Minutes! I went slower on my return trip and I was going up-hill and off-road part of the time so it took me 25 minutes. It was overcast today (very unusual in the desert) so I had a nice cool ride! I rode to my sister's house to see her new little dog. She rescued him from the pound. His name is Papi (after the little Chihuahua in the new Beverly Hill's Chihuahua movie). He's so cute! Both of her dogs are part Chihuahua. Our Humane Society has lots of Chihuahua waiting for adoption.