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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The China Study

I'm reading a book called, "The China Study" written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD & Thomas M. Campbell II. My husband and I kept hearing about this book while we were researching raw foods and vegan foods. The book and the video I found on (link pasted below) go into great detail about why we should be eating a plant-based low protein/low fat diet. During his studies Dr. Campbell found that they can turn Cancer on and off based on the amount of protein and type of protein they used. If you are going to use animal proteins you should keep the levels lower than 10% of your total dietary needs. The amount of protein consumed on a plant-based diet didn't increase the cancer numbers. Good news for us Raw Foodies!

Quotes from their website:
"Respected nutrition and health researcher, Dr. T. Colin Campbell
reveals the truth behind special interest groups, government entities and scientists
that have taken Americans down a deadly path"
The New York Times called the China Study the “grand prix of epidemiology” and “the
most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and
the risk of developing disease.”

I woke up this morning thinking that someone needs to spread the word about this research! I went on youtube and there it was! I'm so glad we have the Internet! LOL I first heard about this research in the early 90's after reading John Robbins book, "Diet For A New America". (Also a great book.) But, Dr. Campbell had not published his book until January 2005. I'm really looking forward to his next book!

Colin Campbell speaks at GRCC Wellness Forum (In Grand Rapids, Wisconsin)

I have not consumed red meat since 1980. But, I've been eating dairy (on and off) and even fish in the past few years. After reading this book I'm going to go back to a plant-based diet with fish on rare occasions as a "garnish" instead of the main focus of the meal. In China they eat less than 1% animal protein (out of about 64g) in their diet. They also eat much more fiber (about 33g) and much less fat (about 14% of calories). They are also more active than people in the U.S. and they consume more calories because of this. Take the time to watch this video or go buy the book!

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